Harlem Hospital

Harlem Hospital 136th Street and Lenox Avenue, a 365-bed municipal hospital. Though Negros have been added to the medical staff from time to time, the majority of the staff are white; only one executive post, that of surgical director, is held by a Negro. The hospital was founded in 1887, has a training school for Negro nurses. (New York City Guide, pp 263 )

Harlem Hospital, established in 1887, played a crucial role in providing healthcare services to the African American community in Harlem. This was really big at the time because of the prevalent racial discrimination and limited access to medical care especially in Harlem which was very unhealthy as a whole.
By the 1920s and 1930s, the hospital had become a training ground for African American doctors and nurses, providing opportunities in a field where they were often excluded. So not only did it serve those who had trouble getting good service at the time but also gave them a fair chance of getting a job in the medical field. The Harlem Hospital played such a big role in Harlem and was a huge driving force for the improvement of the health industry in the city.


Harlem Hospital
Harlem Hospital The Harlem Hospital Building Source: 1940 Tax Department photographs, New York City Municipal Archives,
Date: 1929-05
Harlem Hospital
Harlem Hospital different angle of the Harlem Hospital Source:

“Harlem Hospital, New York Postcard - NYPL’s Public Domain Archive Public Domain Image.” Accessed July 28, 2024. https://nypl.getarchive.net/amp/media/harlem-hospital-new-york-f70f58.

Date: 1912
The Harlem Hospital
The Harlem Hospital The modern outside of the Harlem Hospital Source:

Google Maps. “Google Maps.” Accessed July 28, 2024. https://www.google.com/maps/place/NYC+Health+%2B+Hospitals%2FHarlem/@40.8146689,-73.9404796,3a,75y,140h,100t/data=!3m8!1e1!3m6!1sAF1QipMXrFus4GmHBCL95a2XBOGfOBxfhWULQlLU-8Xh!2e10!3e11!6shttps:%2F%2Flh5.googleusercontent.com%2Fp%2FAF1QipMXrFus4GmHBCL95a2XBOGfOBxfhWULQlLU-8Xh%3Dw203-h100-k-no-pi-10-ya332-ro-0-fo100!7i10240!8i5120!4m13!1m2!2m1!1sHarlem+Hospital!3m9!1s0x89c2f67660fb23c7:0x66994989947e146f!8m2!3d40.8143104!4d-73.9395087!10e5!14m1!1BCgIgARICCAI!15sCg9IYXJsZW0gSG9zcGl0YWySAQhob3NwaXRhbOABAA!16zL20vMGZsdGwx?coh=205409&entry=ttu.

Date: Feb 2017
The Harlem Hospital
The Harlem Hospital The outside of the Harlem Hospital Source:

“REC0053_05_1186 | NYC Municipal Archives.” Accessed July 28, 2024. https://nycrecords.access.preservica.com/uncategorized/IO_1c4a8803-c114-4719-958c-19e06e9cf7f8/.

Date: 1870-1966


506 Lenox Ave, New York, NY 10037


Abass Jarr, “Harlem Hospital,” Tours of 1930s NYC, accessed September 19, 2024, https://abassjarr.org/tours/items/show/3.